Hundreds of pupils joined together for the annual Day of Dance event recently to show off the best in Scottish country dancing.

RSCDS Helensburgh and District joined with liveArgyll Active Schools joined together at the Victoria Halls for sessions.

About 250 P7 pupils attended after Roy Bain, from the RSCDS gave training to school staff.


Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)


A spokesperson for Active Schools said: "The training input and the tireless efforts of school staff help ensure a good quality of dancing on the day with more and more of the pupils becoming familiar with the dances used.

"A number of volunteers from RSCDS Helensburgh and District Branch were on hand to provide dance instructions and encourage the pupils on to the floor and ensuring the day ran smoothly.

"liveArgyll Active Schools would like to say thank you to all the volunteers from the branch for giving their time and providing excellent support to the event and also to the school staff involved and pupils for conducting themselves so well on the day.


Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

"Thanks also to liveArgyll facilities and staff for hosting the event at the Victoria Halls and providing much needed help on the day."

Financial support from RSCDS helped the running costs for the day.

The spokesperson added: "Without the partnership work and organisational efforts between liveArgyll Active Schools and the RSCDS Helensburgh & District Branch volunteers, valuable opportunities like these for local children just wouldn’t be possible.

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

Pupils took part in the Day of Dance at the Victoria Halls (Photos: Tom Watt)

"The branch is committed to encouraging young people to come and try Scottish Country Dancing and although the Day of Dance requires much organising it is worth it to see so many young people enjoying themselves.

"Further information can be found on the branch website at"